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Study of effective parameters on liquid accumulation in the gas wells

359-373Full Text

Akbar Fakoori Asl* and Bahram Habib Nia

Oil has an important role in world economy. Increasing global demand and decreasing hydrocarbon resources is an emphasis on reliable production of oil based on technical limits. Also many of oil fields in the world are getting mature and their production rate reduces through time. By enhancing hydrocarbon production, reservoir and wellbore pressure decreases. More pressure reduction will make reservoir unable to lift fluids to the surface. In gas reservoirs, by pressure reduction due to production will make liquids which consist of water and gas condensates to load in well and causes serious problems for production. Liquid loading in well causes multiple problems in production and well test data analysis. So it is necessary to investigate causes and phenomena related to this subject. In this study, effective factors in liquid loading is selected using literature then the parameters effectiveness on liquid loading and well production is investigated by simulation. Results showed after 4000 days of production, liquid production rate reduces significantly and the maximum recovery factor is 26%. Tubing diameter and wellhead pressure are selected as the two effective parameters on liquid loading and results showed by increasing tubing diameter and reducing wellhead pressure, recovery factor increases. The maximum recovery factor will happen at 3.5” tubing diameter and 350 psi of wellhead pressure.

Assessing the behavior of mutual fund investors about their fund purchases and redemptions

374-380Full Text

Mahmmod Razin*, Mogtaba afsordeh and Bahman asefi

In this paper, we investigate the behavior of mutual fund investors by separately analyzing their fund purchase and sale decisions base on the past performance of mutual funds. Purchase and redemptions show the flows that into and out of equity mutual funds. In this research relationship between variables is analyzed through regression model during 2010-2014.using panel data extracted from mutual funds information which are working in TSE. The result show that investors make investment decisions (purchases and redemptions) based on past fund performance. Moreover we found that mutual fund investors decisions respond asymmetrically to past Performance, such asymmetric relation imply that the market rewards high-performance funds but does not discipline poor performers as much.

Effect of Audit Quality on the Investors’ Ability to Predict the Future Profits of Companies in Stock Exchange

381-388Full Text

Mogtaba afsordeh* , Mahmmod Razin and Bahman asefi

In this research work, Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is studied how to participate in the energy market, reactive power market and coupled energy and reactive power market. The PHEV capability curve is identified which have been recently presented in the related work in the area. The concept Lost Opportunity Cost (LOC) is explained based on the capability of PHEV and its application is fully taken into consideration. Then PHEV is included in energy, reactive and coupled market. This require to determine objective functions in each market. Finally a 17-node microgrid is taken as case study in which some of PHEVs are placed to take part in these markets.

Genetic Variability of Nitrogen Uptake Efficiency on Grain Yield and Quality traits of Iranian bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces

389-398Full Text

Gholamreza Khalilzadeh and Ali Reza Eivazi*

The objective of this study was to gain a better understanding of agronomic nitrogen (N) use efficiency and its effects on grain yield and quality of bread wheat landraces. This experiment was conducted in agricultural research center of Moghan, Iran, with 42 landraces at 3 replications and two N levels (0 and 200 kg ha-1), based on RCB-design. Analysis of variance for N levels was significant at P<0.01 for grain yield and at p<0.05 for Thousands Kernel Weight (TKW), grain N content, grain protein yield and seed hardness index. Genotypes showed high significant differences for all traits at (p≤0.01). Genotype×Nitrogen use efficiency (GN) interactions showed significant differences for all characters except grain yield and grain N content at p≤0.01. Reduction of N causes to diminishing in grain yield, grain N content, bread volume, but it caused increasing of TKW. The highest N Uptake has been shown in G19 and G29. Genotypes showed high genetic diversity in bread making quality characters. Evaluations of GN interactions, based on Wricke equivalent showed 40% of variance belongs to four G4, G5, G9 and G25 genotypes. Protein percent observed a positive and significant correlation with Zeleny Sedimentation, bread volume and grain N content. Cluster analysis classified genotypes in two main groups. Cluster one characterizes with high grain yield, TKW and bread volume and high Zeleny sedimentation, protein percent and grain N content were the second cluster`s characters.

Cystic retroperitoneal inflammatory my fibroblastic tumor: A case report and review of literature

399-401Full Text

Fatemeh Montazer and Somayeh Sheidaie*

Inflammatory my fibroblastic tumor (IMT) also known as inflammatory pseudo tumor is an uncommon tumor with controversial etiology and unpredictable biological behavior .They can be found at any anatomic site with a predilection for the lung, the genito-urinary tract and the mesentery. Retroperitoneal location has been rarely reported. This tumor is typically circumscribe, non-encapsulated and often multinodular with solid and firm cut surface. Presentation: we report the case of a 56 years old woman with history of abdominal pain since 2 month .Compound tomography (CT) demonstrated a cystic mass on retroperitoneal .The patient underwent surgical resection and a multicystic gray white mass which was well localized in the retro peritoneum was observed. Discussion: A review of the literature on IMT yielded only a few number of cystic presentation.

Design a new and innovative framework to deal with phishing websites based on random networks

402-407Full Text

Saeed Teimoori

Phishing websites are fraudulent webpages by people with grudging is created to imitate real websites and legal. Many of these types of webpages with high visual similarities are the tricks of the victims. Victims of phishing websites are possible that bank account, password, credit card numbers and other important information puts at the disposal of owners and phishing websites designers. Increasingly phishing websites has become to a big challenge in the field of e-commerce and especially e-banking. In this paper a new and innovative framework is provided to deal with phishing websites based on random network. Using the technique of random networks, the security image turns into two different random networks. Each of random networks alone does not give at the disposal of user information from the security image. Only when both random networks are available, the security image is reconstructed to the initial state.